Post-Election Update
Western States Center Executive Director Amy Herzfeld-Copple shared the following update on how the organization is approaching a second Trump term:
The re-election of Donald Trump brings us to another disheartening moment in our nation’s history. The dangers of Trump and his allies returning to power are significant. They’ve made clear their intent to rewrite the rules, target our communities and replace democracy with authoritarianism.
In many ways, the last decade laid bare again the dangers of white nationalism, xenophobia, bigotry, and political violence. Like Trump’s first presidential victory, Western States Center is not surprised — we’re ready.
As threats to freedom and justice have grown, so have our efforts.
Since 1987, Western States Center has heavily invested in the organizing infrastructure across the Northwest. For close to 40 years, we’ve worked tirelessly to build strong relationships with values-aligned coalitions and groups across sectors — from grassroots movements to centrist organizations, artists and musicians, democratic institutions and local governments — all united by our shared vision for a just and joyful future. Through innovative tools and training for courageous organizers and civic leaders, we’ve built capacity and leadership within local communities to defend against the threats, intimidation, and violence that bigoted and anti-democracy movements use to build power.
A Time of Growth
Today, Western States Center is larger than it’s ever been. We know more about the modern authoritarian playbook because we’ve confronted the same tactics across our region and nation in recent years. We have been learning lessons and building power to confront clear and immediate dangers to democracy, and prevent the same old tactics from succeeding. The coalitions we’ve built are clear-eyed and collaborative, and ready to guard against anti-democracy, bigoted groups emboldened by Trump’s second term in the White House.
Informed by time-tested strategies for defeating authoritarianism and our organizing experiences over nearly four decades rooted in the region and in Trump’s first term, Western States Center is prepared to push back.
Make no mistake — Trump has hit the ground running. Already we’re seeing him gearing up to lead a loyalist-filled, authoritarian administration. As he continues to staff the White House and his cabinet with people he can rely on to carry out his agenda, we expect authoritarian pressures from the federal government to rise. This will create a ripple effect that we expect will empower aligned state governments and allied anti-democracy social movements, creating a dynamic where not only are our fundamental rights threatened but organizing for equity and justice will face heightened risks.
Our Response
As a collective, we must continue to work together to ensure that all people, organizations and groups feel strong support and solidarity to take courageous actions.
At Western States Centers, we are prepared to stay nimble and do what it takes to champion the future that all of us deserve. That includes bringing deliberate modes of organizing and collaboration across local communities, continuing to work alongside you and use every tool we have to push back on authoritarianism.
Below are some of the ways we will remain vigilant in our efforts to pivot, adapt, and innovate as we confront heightened threats under a second Trump presidency.
Priority 1: Build broad pro-democracy coalitions within the Northwest and advance coordinated strategy across sectors and ideologies in order to defend pro-democracy norms, support inclusive democratic institutions, and proactively counter efforts to build power by bigoted social movements.
Priority 2: Reclaim civic space through cultural engagement with artists, musicians, and event venues to connect with larger audiences around pro-democracy values, maintain cultural space for racial and gender justice, and include joy and art in our movements.
Priority 3: Invest deeply in leadership development and training so that our communities, leaders, and institutions know how to effectively counter bigoted activity from state and non-state actors, and are prepared to defend against wedges that could divide our movements.
Priority 4: Prepare to use rapid response organizing to seize on opportunities to reject bigotry and defend democracy, with special attention to supporting targeted individuals and institutions in a way that counteracts the chilling effect of authoritarian tactics on civic engagement.
Priority 5: Closely monitor anti-democracy movements, bringing our deep knowledge of tactics used in the Northwest to national scale, supporting strategies and coalitions to put our lessons countering anti-democracy movements into practice.
We Will Never Waver
We know what the threat of a Trump administration means to democracy and that justice movements throughout the nation are overwhelmed with fear, anger, and sadness.
We want you to know that Western States Center will never waver in our support for courageous communities in pursuit of a strong and just democracy.
As a collective, we have risen to seemingly impossible challenges in the past, and we will do so again. That’s because we know how to keep going, to care for each other and find joy even in the most challenging times.
We will keep the spirit of love and optimism at the heart of our work, lift up the courage and resilience of our communities and region, and push back with everything we have.
Western States Center is here to prepare local communities and build power for what’s ahead.